1.1 The attorney at law providing legal services (hereinafter as “LS”) is JUDr. Ing. Ivan Bojna (hereinafter "Lawyer"). The Lawyer’s office is located at Polianky 7B, Bratislava (hereinafter referred to as the "Lawyer’s office").
1.2 Client shall mean a person who enters into a contract with the Lawyer for the provision of LS.
1.3 Contract shall mean any contractual relationship between the Lawyer and the Client, which includes these general terms and conditions for the provision of legal services (hereinafter as "GTC"), e.g. a Client’s order accepted by the Lawyer, the Lawyer’s quotation accepted by the Client.
2.1 The Lawyer undertakes to provide the Client with LS at the Client’s request to the extent and in the manner stipulated in the contract, these GTC and the generally binding legal provisions, in particular Law No. 586/2003 Coll. On the representation of interests (hereinafter as "Act") and the Regulation No. 655/2004 Coll. On the remuneration and compensation of Lawyers for the provision of legal services (hereinafter as "Regulation").
2.2 The Lawyer will always provide LS to the Client on the basis of his specific requirements, the content of which will be recorded.
2.3 The scope, type and time of provision of a specific LS are always agreed separately, otherwise determined by the Lawyer.
2.4 When providing LS to various Clients, the Lawyer is guided by the principle of urgency, i.e. he provides LS and performs actions in the following order: i/actions where there is a risk of missing the deadline established by law, ii/actions where there is a risk of causing greater damage, iii/actions that have a specific agreed deadline, iv/other actions.
2.5 The Client is not entitled to the provision of LS at a specific time, unless i/the Lawyer has taken over the representation and the specific time of the provision of LS results from a legal regulation or a deadline set by a public authority and ii/the Lawyer has explicitly and demonstrably agreed with the Client on the specific time of the provision of LS (in such case is the Client obliged to request confirmation of the time of the provision of LS at least by email or by text message), in order to be able to prove the agreed time, if necessary.
2.6 The Client submits the documents to the Lawyer electronically or in person at the Lawyer’s office. The Client is obliged to collect at the Lawyer’s office the documents that the Lawyer wants to return to him/her at the Lawyer’s request. The costs of other ways of delivery shall be borne by the Client. If the Client is in delay in receiving the documents from the Lawyer, which the Lawyer has demonstrably requested the Client to receive, and the delay lasts more than 90 days, the Lawyer is entitled to charge an administrative fee of EUR 60 (incl. VAT) for each quarter of the year of delay commenced.
3.1 The remuneration of the provided LS is agreed in the contract. The Lawyer is entitled to request an advance payment.
3.2 In the case of hourly remuneration, the amount of the remuneration is the product of the agreed hourly rate and the total number of hours of granted LS for the charged period, whereby each hour of PS provision is charged.
3.3 The Lawyer pays sales tax.
3.4 The frequency of invoicing is determined by the Lawyer.
3.5 An individual invoice is due 7 days from delivery to the Client. If a later due date is specified in the invoice, the information in the invoice applies to the due date of the invoice.
4.1 In addition to the agreed fee, the Lawyer is entitled to a flat rate in the amount specified in Section 16 (3) of the ruling.
4.2 For the reimbursement of proven travel expenses outside the city of Bratislava, the provisions of Section 16 (4) of the Regulation apply.
4.3 In the case of LS that are carried out outside of Bratislava, the time that the Lawyer has spent on the way to this place and back is entitled to compensation for his lost time; its amount is based on Section 17 of the Regulation.
5.1 When providing a LS, the Lawyer is obliged to maintain secrecy about all facts of which he has become aware in connection with the provision of an LS for the Client; this does not apply in the cases provided for by law.
5.2 The Client is obliged to provide the Lawyer with all necessary assistance for the proper provision of the LS (in particular, assistance expressly requested by the lawyer), The Client is obliged to give the Lawyer every possible cooperation, to inform the Lawyer in good time about all relevant facts in connection with the provision of the LS and to pay the Lawyer the due fee. If the Client is more than 30 days in arrears with the payment of the due fee, this can be seen as a breach of trust between the Client and the Lawyer, whereby the Lawyer has the right to publish data identifying the client (in particular name and surname) as a non-payer on the Website of the Slovak Bar Association. If the client fails to provide cooperation, in particular by not providing the lawyer with the documents required for the proper provision of the LS despite repeated requests, the lawyer shall be entitled to close the case after having granted the client a grace period for cooperation; if an advance payment has been made for the legal service in question, the lawyer shall charge the advance payment to the client, and the amount of the advance payment shall be deemed as the fee for taking over and preparing the representation in the case. Upon settlement of the advance payment, the provision of the LS in the matter shall be deemed as finished due to the client’s fault.
6.1 The Lawyer can only withdraw from this contract, of which these GTC part are, for reasons prescribed by law. The Client can withdraw from the contract if the Lawyer seriously violates his obligations. The withdrawal from the contract takes effect on the day it is delivered to the other party. Withdrawal from the contract ends the contract. In the event of a withdrawal from the contract, the remuneration already paid for the LS provided under this contract will not be reimbursed.
6.2 Both parties can terminate this contract without giving reasons. The notice period is 1 month and begins on the first day of the month following the month in which the notice of termination was served on the other party.
7.1 For the delivery of documents, the delivery by post is deemed to have been delivered at the time it is received by the recipient and at the time the recipient refuses to accept it. The shipment is also deemed to have been delivered after the retention period specified by the responsible postal courier for collection has expired, regardless of whether the recipient has learned that the shipment has been deposited. In the case of delivery by e-mail, the e-mail is deemed to have been delivered if i) a manual confirmation of receipt or confirmation of reading, ii) receipt of an e-mail response that also contains the original text of the e-mail to be sent; An acknowledgment of receipt is also considered an automatic reply without any action on the part of the addressee.
7.2 With the conclusion of the contract, the Client agrees that the Lawyer names him as the person for whom he provides and / or has provided legal services, in particular in the information on the Lawyer’s website (references).
7.3 Unless otherwise stated in the contract, the contract is concluded for an indefinite period. However, if the Client has not used his services for a period of 6 years since the conclusion of the contract or the last use of the Lawyer’s services, the contract automatically expires after this period has expired.
JUDr. Ing. Ivan Bojna, attorney at law
address: Polianky 7G, 841 01 Bratislava
Office: entrance Polianky 7B
tel.: +421 2 544 323 92, email: [javascript protected email address]
© 2025 Advokátska kancelária JUDr. Ing. Ivan Bojna, Rights reserved